Weight Loss Before, After, Continuing

Weight Loss chandler az

In the excitement of weight loss, it’s easy to think of the perfect time, way to start, and journey.  It’s easy to forget how easy it is to put off weight loss until tomorrow, next week, next month, etc.  Every time I reflect on the start of my members’ journeys, the perfect part is missing.  The “worth it” is never missing.  I’ll brag about Andrea for a moment.  

Andrea is down 15 pounds, enjoying being stronger and her first Crossfit Open.  I can’t find what part of Andrea’s journey was perfect or easy.  For starters, commuting an hour to work one way and You Make Crossfit is in Chandler, AZ.  Starting the work didn’t happen for a year or more.  Her work schedule changed daily and weekly at the beginning.  There are lots of family and friends that have lots of celebrations.  She hadn’t been active in years.  How did Andrea navigate all these challenges?  

One thing that helped was choosing to avoid counting calories.  Counting calories was an option.  Focusing on real food and controlling quantity with serving sizes was easier.  Easier to be consistent and forget about feeling tired at work.  The process gets easier down 15 pounds and stronger than ever.  

Yes and no.  Andrea has invested in habits that are becoming more and more automatic.  Good habits make things easier because you don’t have to think as much when change is required.  Her work schedule is about to change drastically.  And just like that already changing her gym schedule to mornings.  Scheduling is powerful.  We all (Andrea especially) know it won’t be that simple.   The investment will be worth it.  If your schedule won’t allow you to improve your health, reach out.  Use the power of scheduling.  I would love to help.  Free No Sweat Intro


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