Murph Journey of 1000 Steps

Everyday we ask how can we help more people get started and take control of their health and fitness.  And we ask how we can help more people keep going and get in the best shape of their life.  Many times the concerns revolve about fear of failure and the fear of being a beginner.  WE all feel that and really never completely goes away.  You just get comfortable with new beginnings and as your confidence grows you know you can accomplish anything.  As Murph approaches we use the same approach.  Just start, use our support, and encouragement.  Take small steps consistently and before you know it you will be more fit.  You will achieve your first pull up, first push up.  Keep going and 1 will become 2 and you will get to 100, 200, 300 and however you want to go.  Sounds so simple, it just works.  You will need help.  You will need accountability.  You will need for it to be fun.  We are here for you.  You will feel the excitement of achievement, the draw of camaraderie.  Keep showing up and the draw for your team will grow.  Still having a hard time believing try us out. 

Let’s talk about how to approach Murph in more detail.  Yes you can complete Murph at home and on the road if necessary and you are drawn to the purpose.  Janet (of Janet D fame) is doing Murph while meeting her grandbaby in Colorado at elevation (yes we have very inspiring members).  

The first challenge is the combination of running distance and strength movements.  The first decision (take control with help of course) is total volume.  ½ or ¾ Murph is a great place to start.  Let’s repeat the goal again challenge yourself and do more than normal for a greater cause.  

Half Murph

½ Mile Run

50 Pull Ups

100 Push Ups

150 Squats

½ Mile Run

Three Quarter Murph

¾ Mile Run

75 Pull Ups

150 Push Ups

225 Squats

¾ Mile Run

As we get along here pictures and videos aren’t being posted at this time.  Talk to a coach if you have a questions and/or have never 100 squats.  

Once deciding total volume how to complete that total volume?  Most of us (myself included ) will have to partition the pull ups, push ups, squats and equivalent movements. 

Full Murph

Mile Run

20 Rounds

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Squats

Mile Run

If 10 push ups are not feasible for 20 Rounds

Mile Run

20 Rounds

5 Push Ups

5 Pull Ups

5 Push Ups

15 Squats

Mile Run

Three Quarter Murph

¾ Mile Run

15 Rounds

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Squats

¾ Mile Run

Half Murph

½ Mile Run

10 Rounds

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Squats

½ Mile Run

If the above is too much then do push ups on a box, couch, or what you have. Push ups on the knees performed correctly can absolutely get you to full push ups.  

Pull Ups – You may not have a bar.  No problem do bent over rows with a suitcase, case of water or whatever you have.  You can even do rows under a table.  Reach out if you have questions.  

We will see you Monday morning bright and early.  


Thank You!

If you don’t think you can improve your health then read this. You absolutely can.

Happy Healthy Holidays!

Happy Healthy Holidays! Now is the best time to live your best life. And get in the best shape of your life.

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